In some cases, following an illness or accident, it is necessary to reorganise the workplace and the working environment of the employee concerned or to organise the work differently so that the employee can resume his or her original job. The specific workplace regulations, which bindingly regulate the requirements for setting up and operating workplaces, have already been partially amended and require that the interests of disabled persons be taken into account.
When designing a workplace, you can have the specific workplace equipped with appropriate aids such as Braille displays, screen readers or hearing aids to meet the specific needs of your employee. In addition, the working environment can be adapted to the employee's needs by designing the access route to the workplace to be barrier-free using ramps or elevators. Please note that the employer is obliged according to § 81 paragraph 4 SGB IX to design the workplace in a way that is suitable for the disabled in organisational and technical terms.
Gradual reintegration
Your employee has been ill for a longer period of time and is not yet able to fully perform his previous job? Then you should consider the possibility of a gradual reintegration (§ 28 SGB IX, § 74 SGB V). A gradual reintegration is one of the measures that can be considered within the framework of a company integration management (BEM). Within the framework of a gradual reintegration, the employee concerned is slowly brought back to full workload. During the period of the step-by-step reintegration, the employee is still unable to work and receives sickness benefit from the health insurance fund or transitional allowance from the pension insurance fund. Gradual reintegration is therefore also a useful instrument for the employer to slowly reintegrate sick employees back into the company.
Vocational rehabilitation
Is your employee no longer able to carry out his or her original job or is he or she restricted in the exercise of his or her professional activities? If so, your employee can, under certain conditions, take advantage of a vocational rehabilitation measure, also known as a benefit for participation in working life. The benefits for participation in working life range from benefits that serve to maintain the job to training and further training offers, if professional reorientation should be necessary.
There is a wide range of funding, counselling and support services offered by different agencies for employers but also for people with disabilities.
We are happy to help you, contact us today.